Monday, June 8, 2009

AWWWWWWWWWWw aisha ooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!! u make my day sia syg.. thx u:)

date syg soon alright:) haha... and i sure will be soon:) k promise:)
this wat she wrote in her blog.. so funny:)*Hehe. Dia was being sucha sweetheart. He promised me something which makes me feel as though I'm on top of the world. Ok bedek -_- Chee Hao was also being a great "husband" to me. Aww. Wo de lao gong :)*

thx syg..:)

chatting wif sygku.. haha.. she funny la:).. thn play game.. update blog.. play games whole day long... awwwww i today so guai.. i just notice.. i smoked 4 stick till now in total today.. omg.. cos qiting le... so ya.. preparing to go NS!!! RECURIT REPORTING! ON 13JULY!!!


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