Sunday, August 10, 2008

hello ppl... i just woke up.. haha!!=D
but wake up smth happen whn i eating.. hais.. nvm.. my life just like a dieing plants anytime go new thing happen de.. plant is sick and dunno y it sick.. mine is i did smth?? i dunno wat happen.. hais..

aiya. my purpose to post abt ytd..

ytd whn to shebang pub!! haha.. drink 2 martell... go wif ah teck. jiejie. jia sheng. and 1 more guy dunno wat his name.. thn behide jackie come.. friend of jiejie.. thn we drink thn play.. haha.. so funny lor.. thn yingying and superman come.. both of thm disturb me.. idiot.. superman distub my hair.. thn i forget wat yingying disturb.. ya she keep saying XIAO DI XIAO DI!!.. argg.. lOL.. thn both of thm also join us drink.. but after awhile they went back to their place drink..

thn drink drand drunk lor.. jiejie drunk jackie drunk.. haha.. thn both of thm go home... thn left me ah teck jia sheng and 1 more guy... thn sing a song wif a gal.. their friend who work at de pub lydia.. haha.. not bad la... quite chio.. thn all keep asking me chio ma chio ma.. pls lor not my taiji.. thn sing wif her.. de song男人女人
so nice cos y? is i sing de ma.. wif chio bu... haha...LOL.. thn finish liao.. she say. y she wan sing wif me.. haha cos i very handsome.. LOL!!.. pls lor so paiseh sia..

thn around 4plus.. we left de place.. actually wan wait for lydia.. ah teck wan take photo wif her.. cos they very longlong de friend.. but din take.. cos she busy cleaning up.. so we go le.. we go find jie fu.. got thing happen.. so whn down to my hse de mac... thn around 5 plus go home..

reach home clean up use com.. i sleep around 7 plus till now.. haha..

so ya..

signing off,
i am happi i am sad but whnever thing happen i still be life just like a dieing plants..

让我告诉你 我对这一切有多在乎..我愿用生命阻挡任何能伤害你的人..

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