Saturday, August 22, 2009

hellow ppl.. i back... waiitng for calls to ask me out... but haven call.. arg.. so bored aaaat home dunno wat to do.. sian.. help me out!! haha tmr going book in again... but feel like getting MC lei.. sick lor.. but sian.. go whr lei??

so restless now... haha.. anyone wan go out???

sianm.. bored.. missed de past...flash memories goes pass my mind... wat i thinkin?? 2more weeks to POP le... how i hope u will be thr... hais... but guess is impossible.. been thinkin much.. yes.. u asked me dun think so much.. will not bad... let think goes easy thn..

awaiting for my contract signing wif de army.. signin on wif ADF army... dunno can get or not.. haha... hope everythings goes well... will post pic soon.. very soon i think??

guess POP thn post ba.. haha nicer and more handsome!! haha BHB...

k le... takcare..



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