Tuesday, March 25, 2008

ThX all OF U!!

firstly this msg is to all my braders and those member who help me ytd..
----thx ar.. if dun have u all i dunno wat to do liao.. thx for helpin me.. love all my braders!!! and those member who i dunno also help me.. thx alot..

secondly is to my gan laopo..
---- thx... thx for standing wif me all along.. care for me all along... i will not forget u de..
u got anything also i will help u de.. thx laopo!! miSS U!!

thirdly to my gan ah ma...
--- ps ytd midnite disturb u...thx or helping too.. thx alot!!!

this msg to all of u...

i love u all.. all will always in my heart die wif me!!!

signing off=)

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